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My name is Renee, my husband’s name is Calvin and my son’s name is Milo.  He was born on August 23rd, 2019!

My experience with Access Midwives was nothing but fantastic!!

I was recently married when we were surprised with our pregnancy and knew almost NOTHING about what to do next.  Went to my family doctor, saw the nurse there and it went well but we still felt lost during the whole experience and didn’t feel confident with how things were progressing.  We didn’t know about getting setup with an OBGYN, what hospital, nervous about pregnancy issues that may arise and I wasn’t feeling like I was getting that reassurance and guidance that you’re ‘supposed’ to get from medical professionals.

That’s when a friend of mine suggested going with a midwife!  Some family members were a little leery of the idea but we had a great feeling about this!! I was about 22 weeks along at this point, so there wasn’t a good chance of me getting a midwife… BUT, thankfully, a spot opened up at Access Midwives when one of their midwives decided to stay here in Hamilton.

Connie was AMAZING!! She guided us through the pregnancy with wonderful confidence and was open and honest about everything!! Her advice and guidance was beyond amazing!!  That’s just what we were looking for and needed!  Everything was going so smoothly and felt so.. easy.  It was amazing!

Fast forward to end of pregnancy.  I ended up being 3 days overdue.  I went in for my appointment, Connie did a membrane sweep and I started having contractions about 5 minutes after she finished.  I went home at about 3pm and was in the hospital by 11:30pm!! Connie stayed in contact with us regularly and met up with us at the Mac.  We got checked out, went to our room and settled in – no problem.  We got to use the bath they had (FABULOUS!) and settled in there with some Disney movies on our tablet.  Minus the contractions growing stronger, it was a wonderful time.

I was planning on not doing the epidural, I have a petrifying fear of needles, but unfortunately, my labour stalled at 6 cms.  This was going onto hour 13(ish) of being in labour and Connie was worried about my pain levels.  She was very honest but kind and strongly encouraged me to get the epidural.  She was in the process of switching out with Ashley when the anaesthesiologist arrived (If you were unaware, midwives switch out when the labour goes on for a long time – like shift work :P ) but stayed with us until I was settled with the epidural and showing signs of improvement.  It was scary but went really really well! I was finally able to relax and fall asleep (my husband as well). 

A while later, they woke me up to check on my dilation and I was good to start pushing!! They woke my husband up, passed him a leg and said “Hold this while she pushes!” Quite the thing to wake up too!  Milo decided he wanted to do some barrel rolls instead of picking a position to come outside – made for some good chuckles!  Ashley was there for Milo’s birth, very thankful for her energy and kindness throughout the whole thing, especially given we didn’t have any contact really before the birth.  (Note: Connie was my only midwife, not the normal team of three – that’s just due to how the spots opened up this time around.)
I ended up pushing for only an hour, ring of fire was intense!  But we got through it and out popped a healthy, 9 lbs, baby boy!

Milo got cleaned up, they stitched me up and got me cleaned up as well and off we went to our room! Connie showed up about an hour after the birth and caught up with everything.   Milo got various checkouts, did the Bilirubin test and found out his levels were too high and we had to stay in the hospital for an extra four days.  It was exhausting.  But we never would’ve made it through if it weren’t for Connie being our advocate and the kindness of the nurses at McMaster hospital.  It was a lot but Connie and the nurses really helped us get settled into our roles as new parents!

Once we got home, Connie did our house visits and answered all my calls about minor concerns with a wonderful sense of calm and honest reassurance. 

Milo is now a healthy, strong, chatty (almost) 2 year old!! Thank you so much Connie, Ashley and Access Midwives!! <3 we couldn’t have done this without you!! Looking forward to working with you for the next one (soon hopefully!)


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