Access Midwives: Links

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The MomMe Clinic

The MomMe Clinic offers a holistic approach to coordinated healthcare services for women, children, medically complex children and children with special needs from newborn to age 21. Our interconnected care system aims to meet the health and wellness needs of the whole family.

Vaccination In Pregnancy

Vaccination in Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Patient Decision-Making Tool

COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations For Special Populations

COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations for Special Populations

Public Health COVID-19 Vaccines

Immunization is widely recognized as one of the most effective interventions for reducing the impact of infectious diseases.

SOGC Statement On COVID-19 Vaccination In Pregnancy

SOGC Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Important information about Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Self Assessment

If you think you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.

SOGC COVID-19 Information

SOGC COVID-19 Information


Worried about COVID-19 and have questions? Check out this website that answers the most commonly asked questions related to pregnancy and COVID-19.

Virtual Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Upper James Pelvic Physio offers virtual pelvic health physiotherapy. Learn more!


We are prepared if the spread of COVID-19 affects our staff or clients. We continue to keep our clinic clean and engage with our community for appropriate planning.

Common Moms Stoney Creek

Social living for Moms and Babies

Pregnancy Pocket Guide

Advice on medication and commonly used products.

Guide To Addictions In Pregnancy

Addiction and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a disease that changes the way the brain works. It causes negative emotions, impulsive behavior, cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Read more

The Risks Of Addiction And Pregnancy

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that affects how a person thinks and behaves. A woman suffering from drug addiction during pregnancy may risk the health and future well-being of her unborn child.


We provide unbiased information reviewed my medical experts so our readers can make an informed decision on the next steps in their, or a loved one’s, drug rehabilitation journey.

The Recovery Village

The Recovery Village is dedicated to providing the best treatment possible to those struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. It is our philosophy that all individuals with the desire and ability to seek treatment are provided with the highest quality care at reasonable rates

Smoking Cessation In Pregnancy

Smoking cessation in pregnancy

Cerebral Palsy Group

Cerebral Palsy Group is an online resource for anyone who has been affected by cerebral palsy, birth injuries, or brain injuries. Our team was created so we can provide answers and all types of assistance needed to help improve the quality of life for loved ones and family members with cerebral palsy.

Breastfeeding And Alcohol

Breastfeeding is the optimal method of infant nutrition. It is healthier than formula feeding for both infants and their mothers.

Breastfeeding Guidelines

How Often to Breastfeed? Get the answers you need here.

Benefits Of Breastfeeding

10 Great Reasons to Breastfeed your Baby

10 Tips For Breastfeeding

Ten Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

Public Health Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding may not always be easy. With patience and help, the majority of mothers can breastfeed successfully.

Lactation Cookies Recipe

The best lactation cookies!!!

Sex And U

Contraception info

Getting Or Changing Doctors

Looking for medical care in the Hamilton area? There are many services available in our community.

Association Of Ontario Doulas

Public registry of trained doulas

April Magone, Doula

Postpartum Doula

Public Health FAQ's About Exercise

Public Health FAQ's About Exercise

SOGC Healthy Eating, Exercise, And Weight Gain

SOGC Healthy Eating, Exercise, And Weight Gain - Before And During Pregnancy

The Miles Circuit

This circuit is useful to help get the baby lined up, ideally, in the "Left Occiput Anterior" (LOA) Position, both before labor begins and when some corrections need to be done during labor.

Pelvic Health Solutions

Pelvic Health Solutions

Flu Facts


Cold Or Flu?


Children And The Flu

Children and The Flu

Safe Foodhandling For Pregnant Women

Safe foodhandling for pregnant women by Health Canada.

Formula Feeding Your Baby

Formula feeding your baby

Immunization In Pregnancy

Immunization programs are among the most cost-beneficial health interventions. Read more

Canadian Immunization Guide

Canadian Immunization Guide: Part 3 - Vaccination of Specific Populations

Family Paws

As a Family Paws Parent Educator, I offer informative classes, small group sessions and webinars, and in-home consultation specializing in dog and baby dynamics.

The 5 Types Of Supervision

The 5 Types of Supervision

Success Stations

Success Stations

Dog And Baby Safety

Dog and Baby Safety

SOGC Medications And Drugs Before And During Pregnancy

The SOGC provides the following public education pamphlets designed for patients, clinics and health-care facilities.

Best Start Self-Help Skills Resource

A Self-help Skills Resource for Women Living With Depression During Pregnancy, After Delivery and Beyond

Best Start Postpartum Mood Disorders

Best Start Postpartum Mood Disorders

Postpartum Depression

Signs of depression include feeling sad, worthless, hopeless, guilty, or anxious a lot of the time. Some feel irritable or angry. People lose interest in things they used to enjoy and may withdraw from others. Learn more

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

Parenting Groups

Parenting Groups

Public Health Depression In Pregnancy

Mental health and wellness

Association Of Ontario Midwives

Association Of Ontario Midwives

College Of Midwives Of Ontario

College of Midwives of Ontario

Midwifery Scope Of Care



Your Step-by-Step Guide to Pregnancy


The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC)

Car Seat Safety

Car Seat Safety


Circumcision of baby boys: Information for parents

Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Some parenting tips for the first few months

Hearing Screen

Can your baby hear? It is important to know if your baby can hear.

Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Food to Your Baby


Jaundice in newborns

Newborn Screening

Learn the ins and outs of newborn screening in Ontario including what to expect as a parent and more.

Newborn Tear Ducts

Ask Dr. Sears: Could My Baby Have a Blocked Tear Duct?

Normal Newborn Behaviour


Parent's Guide To Vaccination

A Parent's Guide to Vaccination

Register A Birth

How to register your new baby with the province, online, for free.

Safe Sleep

While the rate of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has declined in Canada, it remains the second leading cause of death of healthy infants, with a higher rate amongst vulnerable populations.

Vaccination Schedule

Canada’s Provincial and Territorial Routine (and Catch-up) Vaccination Programs for Infants and Children

Vitamin D

Babies need vitamin D for healthy growth and development. It helps them build strong, healthy bones and teeth.

AOM Iron Deficiency Handout

AOM Iron Deficiency Handout PDF

Canada's Food Guides

Canada's food guides

Folic Acid Information

You are having a baby or planning a pregnancy. Learn what you need to know about folic acid

Hamilton Food Banks

Food banks provide food items on an emergency basis to individuals and families in need.

Prenatal Nutrition

A woman's nutritional and overall health, before and during pregnancy, influences the health of her developing baby.

Safe Food Handling For Pregnant Women

Food poisoning (also known as foodborne illness or food-related illness) is caused by eating food that has been contaminated by bacteria, viruses or parasites.

Speak To A Dietitian

Dietitians are passionate about the potential of food to enhance lives and improve health.

Food Sources Of Iron

Food Sources Of Iron

Ontario Pelvic Physiotherapists


Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mood disorder. Women who develop PPD have feelings of intense sadness, worry and exhaustion following childbirth. PPD is extremely common. Check out

Pregnancy Loss

Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Birth Beginnings


City Of Hamilton Public Health Classes

The City of Hamilton offers online and in person group prenatal classes for residents of Hamilton including Ancaster, Binbrook, Dundas, Flamborough, Glanbrook, Stoney Creek and Waterdown.

Eternally Maternal

Prenatal education, postpartum and breastfeeding support

McMaster Parenting Workshops

Upcoming free 8-session workshops for moms and dads of children under 6 years old, which we run several times each year.

Innate Beginnings

HypnoBirthing®, Prenatal Classes & Doula Services in Hamilton, Ontario

Mother Matters

Classes are very informative, unbiased, relevant and well-structured

Hypnobirthing Hamilton

Those who are invested in making their birth & family experiences the best they can be are those who are part of the Hypnobirthing Hamilton tribe

Positive Birth Affirmations


Prenatal Genetics

Prenatal Screening for the Detection of Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Open Neural Tube Defects

Prenatal Screening

This website is intended to be an educational tool for pregnant persons, families, and friends.

Rh Prevention Program Of Hamilton

Important Information About HDN (Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn)

Routine Tests Offered

Routine Tests Offered

Panorma Prenatal Screen

A genetics professional – either a genetic counsellor or a medical geneticist - can discuss genetic conditions in more detail.

FTS - First Trimester Screening

It's your choice whether you want to have FTS. Talk to your health care provider before deciding if FTS is right for you.


Three simple ways you can help inspire big dreams for children

Save The Mothers Org

Save the Mothers is an international, charitable organization equipping African leaders to save the lives of women and babies.

St. Martin’s Manor

St. Martin’s Manor is a residence for pregnant and parenting young women, with a primary focus of providing a continuum of care for young mothers. Students work with St. Charles teachers in order to obtain their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Client Decision Making Tool

Vaginal Birth after Previous Low-Segment Caesarean Section

Client Decision Making Tool

Client Decision Making Tool

Convex Studio

Our services include professional photography, video productions, social media, and websites. We also offers research, strategy and tracking. Get the competitive edge that you need to increase your results.

Dr Jack Newman

The BreastFeeding Inc Academy's "Parenting 101" is the first step in becoming informed so that you can be the best parent you can be.

La Leche League Hamilton

To encourage, promote and provide breastfeeding, chest feeding and human milk feeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society.

Women's Health Concerns Clinic

Women's Health Concerns Clinic . We are a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and mental health counselors.

Canadian Association Of Midwives

Canadian Association Of Midwives

Safe Sleep

A practice support tool for healthcare professionals

Maternal Village Hamilton

Maternal Village Hamilton is a concept developed for parents by parents who understand the importance of gentle support needed during pregnancy and the beginning stages of parenthood. We believe that when it comes to raising our own healthy families, it takes a village.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information Page

Information to support Pregnant and Breastfeeding people in their decision on whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Postpartum Mom Series

Uncovering all of your questions about motherhood with our free 9-part education series!

Oh So Savvy

Oh So Savvy Photography is an award-winning Accredited Baby Photographer the best in the area Niagara newborn photographer photographing Maternity, and more




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